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Messages - Vintus

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 59
Random lnsanity / *Clicks the banner over and over again*
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:48:10 pm »
It's oddly entertaining.

Random lnsanity / A woman was shopping at her local supermarket
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:36:46 pm »

(Posted by Loren - I'm not humiliating myself >_>..or maybe I am)

<Shamedmonkey> Logs. Nao.
<Vintus[RIA]> NO
<Vintus[RIA]> FUCK NO
<Shamedmonkey> Why not?
<Vintus[RIA]> Besides the logs are so damn big it wouldn't fit in four postst
<Shamedmonkey> <_<
<Shamedmonkey> Post them on the forums
<Vintus[RIA]> no
<Vintus[RIA]> You're not getting them
<Loren> Aww.
<Vintus[RIA]> Fool me once, shame on me..fool me twice
<Vintus[RIA]> fuck you
<Vintus[RIA]> no wait
<Vintus[RIA]> remove the "Fool me once" part
<Vintus[RIA]> fuck you shamed
<Shamedmonkey> XD
<Loren> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> I think she's going to pass out now
<Vintus[RIA]> Either from exhaustion or from talking to me for over 10 hours straight
<Loren> I was gonna say, what did you do now
<Vintus[RIA]> Man she's going to get some weird nightmares
<Vintus[RIA]> Haha
<Loren> At least you're honest
<Vintus[RIA]> wait
<Vintus[RIA]> what
<Shamedmonkey> XFD
<Shamedmonkey> Owned.
<Loren> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> I'm having a humiliation overload
<Vintus[RIA]> I'm going to go slit my wrists
<Vintus[RIA]> brb
* Vintus[RIA] is now known as Vintus|Emo
<Loren> Emo hour?
<Vintus|Emo> I guess I'll carve "I HATE LOREN AND SHAMED IS A DOUCHE" into my arm then
<Loren> XDD
<Vintus|Emo> Man..I put that in my WoW /afk message once
<Vintus|Emo> "brb slitting wrists"
<Vintus|Emo> Some guy asked me if I wanted a group, said "that's a pity" then left..next thing I know
<Vintus|Emo> 4 other people whisper me saying things like "omg really" and "lol emo"
<Vintus|Emo> Then he told his GUILD about it
<Loren> XD!
<Vintus|Emo> I was just sitting there laughing my ass off
<Loren> I know how ya feel, my friends did the same thing to me
<Vintus|Emo> Watching those idiots one by one send me tell after tell
<Vintus|Emo> I'm not changing my nick until you apologize Loren sad.gif
<Vintus|Emo> you hurt my feelings and made me carve your name into my arm
<Vintus|Emo> That's two different levels of scarring
<Loren> lol
<Loren> You set yourself up for it
<Vintus|Emo> ...you aren't going to apologize are you
<Loren> ..I doubt it..
<Vintus|Emo> NOT THIS TIME
<Vintus|Emo> NO
* Vintus|Emo is now known as Vintus[RIA]
<Loren> *cough*
<Vintus[RIA]> AHA
<Vintus[RIA]> NO
<Loren> XDD
<Vintus[RIA]> I'm going to log THAT, see how YOU LIKE IT
<Loren> I'll log this whole thing, go right ahead
<Vintus[RIA]> .......
<Vintus[RIA]> crap
<Vintus[RIA]> I didn't have a plan b
* Vintus[RIA] shits bricks.

Random lnsanity / Why do guys find it necessary to 'motorboat'?
« on: July 15, 2007, 06:03:39 am »
Quote from: The Immortal Panic
boobies are exciting becasue they are hidden from sight, they are forbidden, and its inbred into us to desire the female form(unless we are gay) therefore...I like boobies.

This is true. Its in the male genes to be attracted to larger breasts because its in our genes to make children. Breasts = more milk = more food for child. >_>

No..not nearly as many people like even D cups for that to be true. >_>

Wiki as always has the true answer. Look it up, giggle like a schoolgirl, move on.


<Da_Choice> <Loren> and I'm sure I have a few other things that are.. not normal in other contries
<Da_Choice> <Da_Choice> hehe
<Da_Choice> <Da_Choice> Child porn?
<Da_Choice> <Da_Choice> Second penis?

haery you yeoauc cant dot ataht thats auethors rites!

Random lnsanity / Why do guys find it necessary to 'motorboat'?
« on: July 13, 2007, 10:40:30 pm »
...what happened to him?

Quote from: Loren
Before Kenny sigs

babelonians has joined #ria
* ChanServ sets mode: +v babelonians
* zombie2000[RIA] has left #RIA
<Vintus[RIA]> Guys...
<Vintus[RIA]> I...
<Vintus[RIA]> put the screw...
<Vintus[RIA]> in the tuna
* pantaloons facepalms
* babelonians slaps vintus with tuna
<Vintus[RIA]> D:
<babelonians> ya you know u like it
<babelonians> bend over
* Vintus[RIA] bends over.
* babelonians slaps vintus behind with tuna
<Vintus[RIA]> OH YES
<Vintus[RIA]> YES YES
<Vintus[RIA]> MORE
<Hyperonic[RIA]> sigged
<Loren> xD

I was young and foolish! D:

Random lnsanity / Ghosts
« on: July 13, 2007, 04:02:11 am »
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I'm gonna be seeing that figure just because my mind will be playing tricks on me.  Thanks.

Don't make me find out whether or not I have control over him, I'll have too much fun with it.

Shivers just ran up my spine...

Well, imagine turning to your left and seeing him leaning over you. Yeah.

I make tons of creatures for my horror stories, and all of them I have met at least once in my dreams. I can make people lose sleep just from the thought of them, but, of course, I go as close as physically possible to being attacked by them..

mgh, that thing scares me. Sometimes I'm more scared when I don't see it.

I know there was something else, I'll try to think of it.

Random lnsanity / ATTN Castille and Remington.
« on: July 13, 2007, 03:52:16 am »
You have time to type out your message on a message board, but not instant messaging..

All you need to do is find a good typing program like Mavis and you'll find typing correctly is easier than typing incorrectly. I didn't even go through an AIM speak phase. I went straight to typing as well as I do now and at times over 110 words per minute.

Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I dun get why that's funny.

It's just more random, especially if you look at it out of context.. >_>

<Mr_Cynic> Murdering bastard.
<Loren> What?
<Loren> Oh snap.
<Mr_Cynic> He killed Vintus.

Nothing of note has happened lately. >_>

Random lnsanity / Sign here if you think Moth is a virgin.
« on: July 12, 2007, 07:19:30 pm »
I'll put the number in my sig.

Also: Signed.

EDIT: EL and Shamed are being counted as they admitted it in IRC already.

EDIT Again: I'll put the number up every hour.

<Vintus[RIA]> hax
<Vintus[RIA]> Speaking of which
<Vintus[RIA]> Kenneth
*longass pause*
<Vintus[RIA]> jea;
<Vintus[RIA]> kentn
<Vintus[RIA]> aeknyta
<Vintus[RIA]> nawg;wayjt
<Vintus[RIA]> g;wajt'
<Vintus[RIA]> kenneth
*longass pause*
* Disconnected

Random lnsanity / Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
« on: July 11, 2007, 03:40:15 am »
I'm dying to know. How similar is it to the book?

Random lnsanity / Ghosts
« on: July 11, 2007, 12:13:47 am »
I didn't believe in ghosts, at first. But I've seen some fucked up things over the years.

First, and most importantly, is the thing showing me all of this. Tall, usually distorted like TV fuzz, freakishly long limbs, and incredibly skinny. Whenever I see him, I encounter something paranormal shortly after.

The first time, I was running down the stairs to get my dog. I grab him and he's staring off to my right. I look where he's looking and he's looking at this thing right in the face, making eye contact. He reached out slowly and I turned away, almost shitting myself. When I looked back, he was gone, and my dog didn't seem to mind it.

So, a few days later, I go visit my friend, Mike. His cat died recently, and he was talking about her. I remember the cat..black cat. Red collar. Yellow eyes.

So we're out in the woods behind his house. It's not very thick, and there's an almost-clearing. No grass though. All of a sudden, I see the cat. Black cat, red collar, yellow eyes. It looks at me and then walks off. I turn to Mike and yell, "It's Chocolate! (Cat's name)" He was staring at it too. He looks at me and says "Yeah, I saw her." We turn to where the cat was, and she was gone.

The next time, I was on a field trip to a museum that had real battleships and submarines that fought in WW2 that you could explore. In one of them, a submarine made as a memorial with hundreds of names on the wall of those who died as well as pictures of them, was where it happened. Of course it had to be in an already creepy place. Couldn't have been in the gift shop.

So, anyway, I climb down with my friend and we look around. We hear a slamming noise and we see the door at the top of the stairs open and close by itself. Weird, but not paranormal..that could be easily explained. However, on the other side of a window showing a room with a chair, we BOTH see two people standing inside it. They stand there as we turn to each other and let out a "WTF" in unison. Of course, as with all ghost stories, when we turned back, they were gone. I vaguely recall seeing the tall guy at school a week back.

Another thing happened last year at school. I was sick, and my mom was in the hospital, so I went down to the nurse to skip a few classes and get some rest. I had four dreams in a row, all beginning and ending in the same way. In all of them, I stand up from the bed, and walk around the nurse's office. A girl named Leanne died of cancer not too long before this.

First dream: I get up, walk around. I go to the nurse and ask her about something. She seems puzzled at first, then her expression changes to worry. She moves her mouth like she's saying something, but no sound comes out. During this one I feel like I'm a different person. I wake up, unable to intake breath until a few seconds, then I fall back asleep.

Second dream: I get up, walk around, again. Only this time I go left and into a room that didn't exist before. It was like a nursery, with a bunch of toddlers running around. A woman is chasing them, trying to control them. She shoves me out of the room and shuts the door. I wake up unable to intake breath until a few seconds, then I fall back to sleep. Normal dream.

Third, I see the aforementioned tall guy. IN FULL DETAIL. For the first time. He was wearing a brown jacket and brown pants and was walking around the room in a weird way. This dream ends in the same way the last two did.

The fourth freaked me out. I wake up, only this time, I only sit up in the bed to see a woman and a baby in a stroller in front of me. The woman looked in her 30's or early 40's and had blond hair. She was looking down at the baby. The word "Leanne" popped up in my head. I don't think much of it because I thought Leanne had brown or black hair. But I learn later that she does in fact have blond hair. I see a picture of her and it seems like the woman I saw was either her mother or herself, older.

I believe in ghosts, so I'm disappointed at the downfall of GFAQ's Paranormal/Conspiracy board and the disappearance of a master ghost story teller, orlock. =/

<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> FIRE
<Crunka> NO!
<Skoffin> FIRE
<DYP> pigs
<Vintus[RIA]> fuck
<Crunka> NONONON
<Crunka> NON
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> FIRE
<DYP> pigs
<Vintus[RIA]> fej;aw
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Skoffin> WIND
<Vintus[RIA]> It's earth fire wind water heart
<Crunka> it's like this
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<crazyisraelie[TOP]> dog?
<Vintus[RIA]> fa;tgj
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Crunka> dsal
<Skoffin> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> FIRE
<Skoffin> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<zombie2000[RIA]> I'm Earth
<Crunka> COCK
<Poptart> XDD
<DYP> mud
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> omfg
<Crunka> VAGINA
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> FIRE DAMN IT
<DYP> more earth?
<Vintus[RIA]> WIND
* Crunka was kicked by zombie2000[RIA] (zombie2000[RIA])
* Crunka has joined #RIA
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Crunka
<Poptart> XD
<zombie2000[RIA]> /EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Crunka> hey man
<Poptart> fire...
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<DYP> which one?
<Poptart> wind..
<crazyisraelie[TOP]> >_>
<Vintus[RIA]> Where's Damnen when you need him
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> explodey stuff
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> FIRE
<Poptart> FIRE
<DYP> on earth
<Vintus[RIA]> SHIT
<Poptart> WIND
<Poptart> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> Dammit
<Vintus[RIA]> Whoever says random shit during it should get the kick
<Poptart> Ok
<Poptart> Deal
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<zombie2000[RIA]> FIRE
<Skoffin> Go span CN or something <<
<Vintus[RIA]> b7
<Crunka> CHICKEN
* Crunka was kicked by Poptart (Poptart)
* Crunka has joined #RIA
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Crunka
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> FIRE
<zombie2000[RIA]> WIN
<Vintus[RIA]> WIND
<DYP> pigs
<Poptart> Omgosh
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> WIND
<DYP> whats a WIN?
<Vintus[RIA]> gjawe;t
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTYH
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Crunka> PEWEE
<zombie2000[RIA]> FIRE
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<DYP> start again
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<crazyisraelie[TOP]> doggy!
<Poptart> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> DAMN IT
<Poptart> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<DYP> devil
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<crazyisraelie[TOP]> DOG!
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
* DYP was kicked by Poptart (Poptart)
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<crazyisraelie[TOP]> DOG!
<Vintus[RIA]> FIRE
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Poptart> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<Skoffin> EGGPLANT
<Poptart> He's not coming back
<Vintus[RIA]> EARTH
<zombie2000[RIA]> EARTH
<Vintus[RIA]> FIRE
<zombie2000[RIA]> WIND
<Vintus[RIA]> WATER
<zombie2000[RIA]> HEART
<Vintus[RIA]> I AM

<Vintus[RIA]> Hey Crunka
<Crunka> yea?
<Vintus[RIA]> I unzip my pants..
* cctmsp13[RIA] has quit IRC (Client closed connection

Random lnsanity / Hey, who's a virgin?
« on: July 09, 2007, 06:44:13 pm »
Quote from: Kaiser
I am and am not proud of it!


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