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Messages - Vector

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Random lnsanity / So, yeah...
« on: November 06, 2008, 09:04:58 pm »

Quote from: C-zom
Quote from: Vector
Quote from: C-zom
Quote from: Lord Doom
fuck you vista

im gonna probably put my HD from my old computer with XP on it in this computer and install drivers and shit so if this happens again i can do shit on a 37gb HD

also system restore surprisingly didnt get rid of anything noticeable

edit: maybe even get a new HD and put linux on it, but i cant code for shit so i would have no idea how to do anything on it

Vista isn't the cause of the problem. If it is, how do you know? Vista is a stable, and awesome OS. Blind hate for it is /so/ annoying.

vista x64 is a pain in the ass
then again so is ubuntu x64 and snow leopard x64......

64 bit systems are no harder than 32bit, if you know what you're doing.

they have many fewer programs that work with them

overall if people would just start to use them they would be good
we have spent s olong on 32 that not much is writen for 64 bit

Quote from: C-zom
Quote from: Lord Doom
fuck you vista

im gonna probably put my HD from my old computer with XP on it in this computer and install drivers and shit so if this happens again i can do shit on a 37gb HD

also system restore surprisingly didnt get rid of anything noticeable

edit: maybe even get a new HD and put linux on it, but i cant code for shit so i would have no idea how to do anything on it

Vista isn't the cause of the problem. If it is, how do you know? Vista is a stable, and awesome OS. Blind hate for it is /so/ annoying.

vista x64 is a pain in the ass
then again so is ubuntu x64 and snow leopard x64......

Random lnsanity / US elections tomorrow
« on: November 04, 2008, 11:07:07 am »
i cant vote
but i can threaten my friends over 18 to do so

Random lnsanity / Why mixing pot and alcohol is bad.
« on: November 03, 2008, 02:52:15 pm »
say wut?

Random lnsanity / Why mixing pot and alcohol is bad.
« on: November 02, 2008, 09:54:47 pm »
Quote from: Atonichis775
The "rear naked choke" hold is done by the following:

1. stand behind your opponent, or somehow get them to face away from you.

2. Place your right arm across their throat under their chin and grasp your left shoulderblade.

3. Place your left forearm on the back of their head with your left hand near their right ear.

Doing this, by applying the slightest pressure, you can cut off their air supply and blood to their head, which can result in unconciousness within seconds.

NOTE:  If you hold for too long, you ***WILL*** kill them.

At least, thats how I can remember.  It's hard to describe how to do something you learn by watching...  I might be able to find a video one day...

wait it can kill people
*goes to find brother*
i'm going to need almost 100 hours to fix my itunes back how it was
thousands of songs >_<

Random lnsanity / Why mixing pot and alcohol is bad.
« on: November 02, 2008, 07:27:27 pm »
Quote from: Atonichis775

my house (breaking my moms like, 25 year old wodden bench), then knocked him to the ground and put him into the rear-naked choke (a hold I leaned in the army).
how do you do this hold?

how do you do this hold?

Quote from: Atonichis775
Well, I called "call the police", and they went to do it.  I asked who he was and he said "carl".

I said... "like... Next-door carl?"

and he said "Yea man" (I pulled his hoodie down and recogized him.

I could smell the alcohol and I could tell that he was high as well.  He said he had been hanging out in our driveway.  I told him to go back home and he left.

Last I checked outside, he was wandering around in his year with his car door open and the parking lights flashing -_-'

rob his house while he is busy?

Quote from: Atonichis775
ANOTHER TIP: Make sure your not alone when your drunk and high at the same time.  It could result in SERIOUS injury inflicted by your neighbor who looks for any possible reason to chase down and eliminate people.

tell that to my brother
*gets long metal poll out*

Quote from: Atonichis775
The thing is, if it was a home invasion, having surprise on my side was the best advantage I could get.

I don't have "fast" access to a gun, and having Hand-to-hand combat training, getting close to them is the best thing I could do.

this is true
when i come up behind you and smash your spine in your gun will not help you

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: November 02, 2008, 04:43:14 pm »
*deer shanks the emperor*
*kills everything with death star v3.4* now with exhaust Port cover!

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: October 30, 2008, 05:28:53 pm »
i did

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: October 30, 2008, 03:41:25 pm »
I return!
computer is fixed

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: October 21, 2008, 06:24:28 pm »
he just uses limewire
and downloads torrents on shady (er than normal) sites >_<

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: October 21, 2008, 05:03:30 pm »
i just pined him to the ground by his neck when we were fighting
good enough for me ^_^
computer has been downgraded to a bad case of the flu
ubuntu is amazing
if you havent tried it you should

Random lnsanity / my computer
« on: October 20, 2008, 04:10:56 pm »
so ya
large amount of viruses got onto my computer *glares at brother*
I am attempting to fix it/ install ubuntu so this does not happen again
but if i fail and and forced to take it to geek squad (my dad wont let anyone else do it for 1/4th the price) I will be gone for a while
If not I will be back to buttsecks you all in a bit

Random lnsanity / Lord Doom is always bitching at me to post more...
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:18:18 pm »
booty sweat?
and bust a nut bars

Tech Trades / I wish to buy 500 tech
« on: October 09, 2008, 09:50:32 pm »
so yes
i need 500 tech
I will pay 3mill per 50 tech
you MUST obtain middlemen
I will expect the tech to show up with in 3 days of me paying you

I will need 2 people for this
pm me in game if you wish to do this

Random lnsanity / a laptop
« on: October 09, 2008, 08:19:55 pm »
it is much better
i just need security software before i get on the intrawebz to get it.

Random lnsanity / a laptop
« on: October 08, 2008, 10:27:08 pm »
tis true
but it has 2 hard drives just begging for ubuntu

Random lnsanity / Advertising options?
« on: October 08, 2008, 06:46:03 pm »
i recommend 7chan

Random lnsanity / Whats the average price of a good electric razor?
« on: October 07, 2008, 03:24:07 pm »
a decent one costs about $80-100
the really nice ones run about $250ish
mind you thats retial aqnd many are about 40-60% less on the intrawebz

Random lnsanity / Eagle Eye
« on: October 07, 2008, 03:22:46 pm »
or i could just tell him that i wont send ninjas to rape him if he joins....

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