Here's a basis for a CCG. =D
Player Stats:
Funk: If the Funk reaches zero, the player loses.
Posts: Basic resource. Allows the player to play cards from his hand.
Maroonity: The more Maroonity the player has, the more actions one is able to take per turn.
Randomness: Randomness allows the player to use special abilities.
Insanity: Insanity is a bonus adder for all the other player stats. Very rare, but very useful.
lulz/srz bznz: If a player chooses to be lulz, then mod-friendly actions will be bad for that player. If a player chooses to be srz bznz, then mod-friendly actions will be good for that player.
Card Types:
Spam Topic: Basic resource card(akin to mana in M:TG). Generates Posts the fastest.
Member: Basic creature-type card.
Joke Topic: Has lulz-aligned useful abilities
srz Topic: Has srz bznz-aligned useful abilities
Moderator: Once cast, cannot be removed from play except by an h4x, admin or itself; causes ill effects on all lulz players and/or cards in the CN realm, and good effects on all srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.
admin: Only one admin card in play at any time. Once cast, cannot be removed except by h4x or itself. Causes ill effects on all lulz players and/or cards in the CN realm, and good effects on all srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.
h4x: Special ability cards. Kept separate from the others, and only drawn by lulz abilities. Causes harmful effects on Moderators and admin, srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.
Turn Order:
1. Acquire Posts/Spam Topic Abilities
2. CN Realm Phase
3. Casting Phase/Member Abilities Phase/Joke Topic Abilities Phase/srz Topic Abilities Phase
4. Member Attack Phase
5. Moderator Action Phase
6. admin Action Phase
Card Stats:
Casting Cost: Cost to play(in Posts).
Funk: Health. If it goes to zero, it is immediately removed from play.
Spunk: Attack power. Applies only to Members. How much damage it does to other Members.
CN F/S Modifier: A number that changes Funk and Spunk of Members when they are brought into the CN Realm.
CN Cost: Cost, in Posts, to move a card into or out of the CN Realm.
lulz/srz bznz: Determines the alignment of the card.
Posting Limit: Applies only to Spam Topics. Increases the total capacity for posts for a player.
Card examples:
"Get to 1000 posts!"
Spam Topic
Capacity + 100
Generates 10 Posts each turn
Casting Cost: 580P
Funk: 99
Spunk: 30
Alignment: srz bznz
CN-F/S: 0/-5
CN-C: 15P
Moth becomes Xythra when brought into the CN Realm. Moth generates 5 posts each turn. Xythra generates 3 posts each turn.
1R: Moth removes 10 Funk from one Member in the CN Realm. This cannot be prevented except by a Moderator, admin, or h4x.
0R: Xythra generates 2 Randomness. Xythra cannot attack this turn.
admin the Vengeful
Casting Cost: 1000P, two Moderators must be in play at the time of casting.
Each turn, admin the Vengeful removes one Moderator fron play. If no Moderators are present at the start of the admin Phase, admin the Vengeful is removed from play. Next, admin the Vengeful returns to play all srz bznz cards removed from play while in the CN realm during that turn. Finally, admin the Vengeful removes all lulz cards in the CN realm from play.
All srz bznz cards, Moderators, and admin, in the CN Realm are removed from play. This cannot be prevented. DDoS is then immediately removed from play.